
Welcome to the Crieff & Strathearn Rugby Club!

Find out more about our membership options and how to join below.

  • Our family membership is perfect for families who love rugby and want to enjoy it together. This membership includes access to all our rugby games, community events, functions and activities for the whole family to enjoy. You'll also get discounts on any club merchandise and access to our community outreach programs. With our family membership, you'll get the best value for your money and create lasting memories on and off the field.

  • Join our adult men’s rugby team and experience the excitement and comradery of the sport. The membership gives you access to all the rugby games, events and activities throughout the season. Get ready to sweat, develop your rugby skills, and play some solid matches against other competitive teams. Our team is made up of men from all backgrounds, so we welcome players of all skill levels to join.

  • Calling all women rugby enthusiasts! Our women’s rugby team provides the perfect environment for women of all skill levels to come together and develop their rugby abilities. With our membership, you'll gain access to our women’s rugby games, training sessions, gym facilities, and community events. Our team is supportive, encouraging and fierce. We want nothing more than to see our members thrive, both on and off the rugby field.

  • This membership is designed for junior and student rugby players who want to improve their rugby skills and participate in tournaments, matches, and training. With our junior and student membership, you'll discover new rugby tactics, and make lifelong friends. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to take part in community events and engage in team building activities.

  • Our social membership is perfect for anyone who loves the rugby community and enjoys socialising! The membership grants you access to participate in various non-rugby events, gatherings, and programs that promote team spirit. Join us after games for a drink and a laugh or attend one of our social events with your fellow members. Our social membership provides a great opportunity to meet new people and support the local rugby community.

Become a member

Scan me to download Spond please

You can become a member by downloading our Spond app using this QR code.

You can also access all the up to date information from the club about training sessions and matches here. These details are only communicated through Spond so it’s important that as a member you use this resource to make sure you don’t miss out.
